Random Early Kennecott Photo

I don’t really have anything to share about progress on the railroad (my biggest achievement was stringing track power to the track from Gilahina to Strelna), but I did recently acquire an old photo of Kennecott that I’ve never seen before.  It’s clearly from the very early days, as the power plant isn’t built yet and the mill is under construction.  Thought I’d share it with y’all…


Yes, there’s even more detail in the photo than the medium resolution version the thumbnail links to – you can read the text on the ends of the cars.  However, that version is huge.  If you want it, email me.

2 thoughts on “Random Early Kennecott Photo

  1. Richard Johnson

    Can you please email me a good quality image of the early Kennecott photo of before the power plant was built? I live here in Alaska and have been to Kennecott. My son is big into the history of the CR & NW RR. It would be cool to get this image for him.
    Thank you

  2. Thomas

    Check out my fb group kennecott/CR&NW HISTORICAL SOCIETY and I plan on building all of it in h.o. scale over time.
    I have the blueprints, my photos, and archives


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